Human Brain Horse Brain
Welcome! Horse Brain, Human Brain is a book and training philosophy developed by Janet Jones. With her background as brain scientist, horse trainer, and writer, Janet is uniquely positioned to apply brain function to the training of horses and riders. All horsemanship rests on mutual interaction between horse and human brains. By understanding how our horses’ brains work, and how their brains differ from ours, we can

All horses and humans have brains and must use them regardless of discipline. For that reason, brain-based horsemanship is as relevant to Western riders as English, as important to headers and heelers or working draft breeds as to dressage champions, racehorses, Grand Prix jumpers, and backyard pasture ornaments. Anyone who works with horses should learn how equine and human brains work in tandem.

Janet Jones

Janet Jones applies brain research to the training of horses and riders. She earned her Ph.D. from UCLA and taught the neuroscience of perception, language, memory, and thought for 23 years. Janet trained horses at a large stable early in her career, and later ran a successful horse training business of her own. She has schooled hundreds of green or difficult horses, rides many breeds and disciplines, and has competed in hunter, jumper, halter, western riding, and reining. She uses the principles of dressage in all horse sports. Janet developed brain-based horsemanship and offers it to the public in her internationally bestselling book Horse Brain, Human Brain.

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Janet's Blog

             "True Training" follows the training of Janet's Dutch Warmblood beginning at age 3. It's intended for people who
             work with horses. She also writes an online column for Psychology Today magazine intended for the general
             public and a weekly column for Horse Network

TRUE TRAINING 107 - "Horses Can't Learn That!"

Feb 01, 2025 by Janet Jones

TRUE TRAINING 106 - Tumbleweed Attack

Jan 15, 2025 by Janet Jones

TRUE TRAINING 105 - Mares with Geldings

Jan 01, 2025 by Janet Jones

TRUE TRAINING 104 - Adding to Simple Gymnastics

Dec 15, 2024 by Janet Jones

TRUE TRAINING 103 - A Plea to the Halter-Optional Crowd

Dec 01, 2024 by Janet Jones