Horse Brain, Human Brain introduces the many differences between horse and human brains. Without this knowledge, we often assume that horses learn, think, perceive, and attend to tasks the way we do. That assumption invites us to work against our horses' brains, expecting them to function in unnatural and counterproductive ways. This book offers the information needed to ride with our horses' brains. Each principle is applied to real everyday issues in the arena or on trail, often illustrated with true stories from Janet’s horse training experience. Written in plain language, Horse Brain, Human Brain is intended for anyone who works with horses.
Since the book's release in June 2020, it has been translated into eight languages and is now available as an audiobook. It was featured in the top eight American books on human brain science for 2021 and in the top two German books on sports for 2022. Horse Brain, Human Brain also won the Japan Racing Association's 2021 Equine Culture Award. The only other American author to receive this award was Laura Hillenbrand in 2004 for her book Seabiscuit.
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Janet's Blog
"True Training" follows the training of Janet's Dutch Warmblood beginning at age 3. It's intended for people whowork with horses. She also writes an online column for Psychology Today magazine intended for the general
public and a weekly column for Horse Network.